Cold Pressed Oils

Cold pressed oils

(Sunflowers / Sunflowers)

Carrier oils are natural oils extracted from plants and used to dilute essential oils for skin care and massage therapies. They are usually obtained through cold pressing. These oils are extracted from the seeds or fruits of various plants such as argan, coconut and jojoba.

The greatest feature of carrier oils is that they reduce the concentration of essential oils, allowing them to be used directly on the skin. When applied to the skin, they are quickly absorbed by the skin and penetrate deep into the skin to moisturize, nourish and soften it. They also reduce the risk of possible skin irritations because the concentration of essential oils is reduced.

These oils are used in skin care products, massage oils, hair care products and some cosmetic products. However, they may cause allergic reactions in some people or may not be suitable for certain skin types, so it is important to test them before use.

14 Results

Lorbeerkern Öl
Lorbeerkern Öl

Anadoa Bay Leaf Oil


Unit price
€563,33per l

Udi Hindi Öl (Kostus Öl, Qist al Hindi Öl) 30 mL
Udi Hindi Öl (Kostus Öl, Qist al Hindi Öl) 30 mL

Anadoa Udi Hindi Oil (Kostus Oil, Qist al Hindi Oil)


Unit price
€496,67per l

Anadoa Rizinusöl 30 mL
Anadoa Rizinusöl 30 mL

Castor Oil


Unit price
€496,67per l

Granatapfelkernöl 30 mL
Granatapfelkernöl 30 mL

Anadoa Pomegranate Seed Oil


Unit price
€496,67per l


Almond Oil


Unit price
€496,67per l

Kiefer Terpentin Öl
Kiefer Terpentin Öl

Turpentine Oil


Unit price
€596,67per l

Anadoa Jojobaol
Anadoa Jojobaol

Anadoa Jojoba Oil


Unit price
€663,33per l

Rosskastanien Öl 30 mL
Rosskastanien Öl

Anadoa Horse Chestnut Oil


Unit price
€563,33per l

 Traubenkernöl 30 mL
 Traubenkernöl 30 mL

Anadoa Grape Seed Oil


Unit price
€496,67per l

Arganöl Anadoa Naturhaus
Arganöl Anadoa Naturhaus

Argan Oil

Regular price €14,90 €12,90 13% off

Unit price
€430,00per l

Johanniskrautöl 30 mL
Johanniskrautöl 30 mL

St. John’s Wort Oil


Unit price
€596,67per l

Zimtöl 30mL
Zimtöl 30mL

Anadoa Cinnamon Oil


Unit price
€596,67per l


Anadoa Mustard Oil


Unit price
€663,33per l


Anadoa Rosehip Seed Oil

Regular price €16,90 €13,90 18% off

Unit price
€463,33per l