Essential Oils

Essential oils


Essential oils are natural oils extracted from various parts of plants (such as flowers, leaves, stems or seeds) through distillation, water distillation or steam distillation. Extracted from plants such as lavender, peppermint and tea tree, these oils are used in various fields such as aromatherapy, skin care, massage and cleansing.


Essential oils can reduce stress, relax, increase mental focus, and hydrate and nourish the skin. However, applying these oils directly to the skin is not recommended for some sensitive areas and may need to be diluted before use.


Each oil has its own unique properties and uses. Before using, it is important to learn about the properties and effects of each oil and in which cases they should not be used.

17 Results


Anadoa Lavender Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Rosmarin Öl 10 mL
Rosmarin Öl 10 mL

Anadoa Rosemary Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Anadoa Nelken Öl 10 mL
Anadoa Nelken Öl 10 mL

Clove Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Natür öl 10ml
Natür Nioli öl 10ml

Anadoa Niaouli Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Patchouli Öl 10 mL
Patchouli Öl 10 mL

Patchouli Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Rosenöl  5 mL
Rosenöl  5 mL
Sold out

Rose Oil


Unit price
€7.980,00per l

Zedernholz Öl 10 mL
Zedernholz Öl 10 mL

Anadoa Cedarwood Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Sandelholzöl 10 mL
Sandelholzöl 10 mL

Sandalwood Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l


Bergamot Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l


Anadoa Vetiver Oil


Unit price
€5.990,00per l

Teebaum Öl 10 mL
Teebaum Öl 10 mL

Anadoa Tea Tree Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Orangen Öl
Orangen Öl 10 mL

Orange Oil


Unit price
€990,00per l

Ylang Ylang Öl
Ylang Ylang Öl

Anadoa Ylang Ylang Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Anadoa Thymian Öl 10mL
Anadoa Thymian Öl 10mL

Anadoa Thyme Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Eukalyptus Öl
Eukalyptus Öl

Eucalyptus Oil


Unit price
€1.290,00per l

Zitronenschalen Öl 10 mL
Zitronenschalen Öl 10 mL

Anadoa Lemon Oil


Unit price
€12,90per 10ml